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Values and Ethics

Open Science

Public and free access to scientific results and data, codes, teaching materials and publications is a core concern of open science. UZH promotes an open scientific culture at the local, national and international level.
Research – Open Science


Third-party funds are an important addition to the basic funding provided by the public sector. UZH discloses the sources of its third-party funds acquired since 2018 in a transparency list.
Research – Transparency

Research Integrity

The University of Zurich and its members are committed to these principles. The Integrity Ordinance of UZH governs the structures and procedures for investigating cases of suspected scientific misconduct.
Research – Research Integrity

Research Involving Humans Beings

In the case of research projects on or with humans, UZH researchers are obliged to weigh up the the proportionality of the probable burdens and risks for the participants with regard to the expected gain in knowledge.
Research – Research Involving Human Beings

Research Involving Animals

Die UZH forscht mit Tieren, um Gesundheit und Krankheiten von Menschen und Tieren besser zu verstehen sowie um neue Therapien zu entwickeln. Sie setzt wenn immer möglich tierversuchsfreie Methoden ein und forscht nur dann mit Tieren, wenn dies nicht anders möglich ist.
Research – Research Involving Animals and Animal Welfare